Note: If deaths have occurred, discuss with a veterinarian. Treatment may be recommended before a WormTest is conducted, although a test will be needed for confirmation.
Scour worms (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.
Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.
NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Consult your vet if WormTests do not indicate worms.
Note: If deaths have occurred, discuss with a veterinarian. Treatment may be recommended before a WormTest is conducted, although a test will be needed for confirmation.
Scour worms (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.
Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.
NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Consult your vet if WormTests do not indicate worms.
Region: Western Australian winter rainfall
Date: %31 %Mar %2025
Treat with an effective drench[1] and move to a paddock as 'worm-free' as possible and continue to check closely for signs of worms[2]. In 4—6 weeks if the summer drench was due, treat with an effective drench[1]; if not due, WormTest and treat if average worm egg count exceeds 200 epg.
WormTest now rather than drench (as 'hypersensitivity' to worm larvae will not respond to drenching). Treat with an effective drench[1] if average worm egg count exceeds 200 epg.
No treatment is required now if lambs are developing normally and putting on weight (if not seek veterinary advice). Treat at weaning with an effective drench[1].
Treat at weaning with an effective drench[1] and move to a paddock as 'worm-free' as possible and continue to check closely for signs of worms[2]. In 4—6 weeks if the summer drench was due, treat with an effective drench[1]; if not due, WormTest and treat if the worm egg count exceeds 200 epg.
Treat with an effective summer drench[1] and move to (or leave on) a dry pasture or crop stubble. If no drench resistance test results are current WormTest 10—14 days after the drench to check for complete worm removal.
WormTest at approximately 6-week intervals, starting 6 weeks after the autumn break, until late spring. Treat with an effective drench[1] if average egg count exceeds 300 epg (or a different threshold as agreed with your animal health advisor).
Treat rams with an effective drench[1] prior to joining, OR WormTest and treat if average egg count exceeds 100 epg.
Treat sheep with an effective drench[1] between the last week of March and mid-April, OR If in good condition (average Condition Score 2.5 or more), WormTest, then treat with an effective drench[1] if average egg count exceeds 200 epg. (Ewes: review the Drench Decision Guide again 3 weeks prior to lambing or if there are signs of worms[2]).
No drench is recommended, as worm burdens will be low after the autumn treatment. Review this Drench Decision Guide in late spring or if there are signs of worms[1].
WormTest 3 weeks before lambing starts and treat with an effective drench[1] if average worm egg count exceeds 200 epg. Review this Drench Decision Guide in late spring or if there are signs of worms[2].
WormTest rams and wethers after there has been green feed for 6 weeks; treat with an effective drench[1] if egg count exceeds 300 epg. Review this Drench Decision Guide in late spring or if there are signs of worms[2].
WormTest poorer condition sheep now (average Condition Score less than 2.5) and treat with an effective drench[1] if the average worm egg count is over 200 epg. Otherwise, continue checking for signs of worms[2] and WormTest if concerned.
Treat with an effective drench[1] and move to a paddock as 'worm-free' as possible and continue to monitor visually (if scouring persists 5 days after drenching seek veterinary advice). WormTest again in 4—6 weeks.
Treat at weaning with an effective drench[1] and move to a paddock as 'worm-free' as possible. Continue checking for signs of worms[2] and WormTest if lambs are not growing to expectation.
Continue checking for signs of worms[1] from summer through to next spring and WormTest if concerned.
Continue checking for signs of worms[1] from autumn through spring and WormTest if sheep are losing condition.
Note: WormTests at key times (ewes: pre-lambing; other sheep: winter or spring) will establish an annual pattern and indicate whether routine treatments are necessary.
This recommendation should be read with the information provided below.
Review available drenches with the WormBoss drench search
Follow the product labels. Dose to the heaviest sheep in the mob or groups. Calibrate equipment to ensure the right dose is delivered with the right procedures. Do not mix drenches unless the label states they are compatible. Check withholding periods and export slaughter intervals.
Use these 4 principles together, where possible:
For more details read the drench resistance section in the WormBoss Worm Control Program.
These are rarely necessary in Western Australia as pasture planning can provide similar options without the risk that drench resistance may develop more rapidly when long-acting treatments are used. You should seek expert advice before using them; more details can be found in the WormBoss Worm Control Program.
Scour worms (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.
Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.
NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Consult your vet if WormTests do not indicate worms.