Home Tools Drench Decision Guides

Drench Decision Guides

Solve Your Current Worm Problem

There is a Drench Decision Guide for each WormBoss region that will assist your decision on whether to drench now, whether to use a persistent drench and when to WormTest again.

Each Drench Decision Guide is easy to use. At each question, simply select the answer that applies to the mob of sheep you are considering drenching. In some instances a current WormTest (worm egg count) result will be required for the mob to make a sound decision.

A report will be produced showing the date, answers selected, a recommendation and associated information.

The Drench Decision Guides are suitable for most situations, however, they can not account for every factor affecting the health of your sheep or goats. Always consider seeking professional advice specific to your property and sheep.

Sheep DDGs   Goat DDGs