Scour worms (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.
Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.
NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Seek veterinary advice if WormTests do not indicate worms.
Region: Victorian winter rainfall
Date: %18 %Feb %2025
WormTest now. Treat with an effective short-acting drench[1] if egg count exceeds 200 epg, then WormTest again in 4—6 weeks[2].
If results show scour worms are not the likely cause of the scouring/weight loss, seek veterinary advice.
WormTest now and request a larval culture. Treat with an effective short-acting drench[1] if egg count exceeds 200 epg, then WormTest again in 4—6 weeks[2].
If results show barber's pole worm are not the likely cause of anaemia, seek veterinary advice.
No treatment is required now if lambs are developing normally and putting on weight (if not seek veterinary advice). Treat at weaning with an effective short-acting drench[1].
Treat at weaning with an effective short-acting drench[1].
WormTest spring-drop lambs 5—6 weeks after this weaning drench (earlier if a wetter than normal summer), or autumn-drop lambs 4—5 weeks after[2].
WormTest spring-drop lambs 5—6 weeks after the weaning drench (earlier if a wetter than normal summer), or autumn-drop lambs 4—5 weeks[1] after the weaning drench or if this is November/December, give them a highly effective short-acting first summer drench.
Continue testing each 4—6 weeks until the autumn break.
WormTest no later than 4—6 weeks after the autumn break. However, in high risk conditions (paddocks highly contaminated with worms/higher rainfall areas/wetter season/poorer condition) test as early as 2 weeks after the break[1].
Continue testing at 4—6 week intervals through until the end of winter (shorter interval in higher risk conditions). Treat with an effective short-acting drench[2] if egg count exceeds 200 epg, or a different threshold as agreed with your animal health advisor. Consider a long-acting treatment at the beginning of winter if weaners are going onto un-prepared paddocks highly contaminated with worm larvae and conditions are wetter than normal.
Treat rams with an effective short-acting drench[1] if this coincides with the second summer drench time.
If not, WormTest and treat with an effective short-acting drench[2] if egg count exceeds 100 epg.
If ewes are in poor condition (less than Condition Score 2.5), treat with an effective short-acting drench[1].
If ewes are in good condition (CS 2.7 or better) WormTest. Treat with an effective short-acting drench1 if egg count exceeds 100 epg.
Treat with a highly effective short-acting drench[1] in November/early December. WormTest 6—8 weeks after this first summer drench[2].
NOTE: The first summer drench time can be staggered across mobs if preparing 'Smart grazed' paddocks with these sheep.
WormTest 6—8 weeks after the first summer drench or at the end of January[1]. Treat with a highly effective short-acting drench[2] if egg count exceeds 100 epg.
In barber's pole worm areas or higher than normal summer rainfall conditions, also observe for anaemia and lethargy.
NOTE: The second summer drench time can be staggered across mobs if preparing 'Smart grazed' paddocks with these sheep.
If it has been more than 4—6 weeks since the last WormTest or drench, WormTest and treat with an effective short-acting drench[1] if the egg count exceeds 100 epg.
If sheep will graze a low worm-risk paddock being prepared for weaners in winter, treat with an effective short-acting drench[1] before they enter the paddock. They should remain there no longer than 30 days. WormTest again In July/August or sooner if sheep are losing condition[2] and treat with an effective short-acting drench[1] if egg count exceeds 100 epg.
This recommendation should be read with the information provided below.
Review available drenches with the WormBoss drench search
Follow the product labels. Dose to the heaviest sheep in the mob or groups. Calibrate equipment to ensure the right dose is delivered with the right procedures. Do not mix drenches unless the label states they are compatible. Check withholding periods and export slaughter intervals.
Use these 4 principles together, where possible:
For more details read the drench resistance section in the WormBoss Worm Control Program.
WormTest with a culture at 60 and 90 days after treatment.
If WormTest results are 100 epg or above, drench resistance is likely. Drench immediately with an effective short-acting drench with a different active to the long-acting treatment.
Seek professional advice on the further use of this product.
If WormTest results are less than 100 epg, then treat with an exit drench at 100 days (15 weeks) after the long-acting treatment was given.
Seek professional advice if WormTests are positive at or before 60 days.
These help to slow drench resistance to persistent treatments.
Protection period of persistent treatments
Mid-length: 7—28 days. Long-acting: 91—100 days.
NOTE: The registered protection period against susceptible black scour worm with a long-acting moxidectin injection is 49 days.
Using a primer before long-acting treatments
Primer drenches (effective short-acting treatments that do not include the active in the long-acting treatment) should be given concurrently with all long-acting benzimidazole capsules (seek professional advice for use with other treatments).
Using an exit drench after all mid-length and long-acting treatments
Seek professional advice on the need for an 'exit drench'–an effective short-acting treatment that does not include the active in the mid-length or long-acting treatment. This varies according to drench resistance profiles across properties.
Anytime that you are concerned that the persistent treatment is not providing protection, WormTest immediately and seek professional advice regarding drench resistance.
Scour worm (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.
Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.
NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Seek veterinary advice if WormTests do not indicate worms.