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Drench Decision Guide


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Future events cannot reliably be predicted accurately. ParaBoss, UNE and Sheep CRC makes no statement, representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of, and you should not rely on any information relating to the Drench Decision Guide ('Information'). ParaBoss, UNE and Sheep CRC disclaims all responsibility for the Information and all liability (including without limitation liability and negligence) for all expenses, costs, losses and damages you may incur as a result of the Information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason.
Are these sheep showing signs[1] that suggest a worm infection (or are you returning to this Drench Decision Guide from a previous recommendation)?

1Signs of worms

Scour worms (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.

Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.

NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Consult your vet if WormTests do not indicate worms.

Will these sheep soon be mustered for a management event?
Which one of the following grazing/pasture conditions apply?
Which one of the following location and seasonal situations apply?

WormBoss Drench Decision Guide Report

Region: Pastoral

Date: %23 %Feb %2025

Your Selections

History of selection will appear here

Your Recommended Action

WormTest now, then return to this Drench Decision Guide to see if the worm egg count indicates the need for drenching[1].

No treatment is required now if lambs are developing normally and putting on weight (if not seek veterinary advice). WormTest the lambs prior to weaning.

Consider a WormTest now, then return to this Drench Decision Guide to see if the worm egg count indicates the need for drenching[1] when sheep are yarded.

WormTest now, then return to this Drench Decision Guide to see if the worm egg count indicates the need for drenching[1].

Where possible, move sheep to another paddock.

Drench[1] (without a prior WormTest) prior to the flood arrival. Consider a long-acting product only if sheep are likely to be isolated for more than 6 weeks and they are in a summer rainfall area and ground conditions are wet. Also consider a fly preventative treatment and then move sheep to higher paddocks.

WormTest now, then return to this Drench Decision Guide to see if the worm egg count indicates the need for drenching[1]. Consider further WormTests each 2—3 months under these conditions.

Consider a WormTest when the pasture is haying off and in February. Return to this Drench Decision Guide to see if the worm egg count indicates the need for drenching[1].

WormTest each 4—8 weeks (depending on the amount of rainfall) until the season dries out. Return to this Drench Decision Guide to see if the worm egg count indicates the need for drenching[1].

These sheep should not require treatment. Review the Drench Decision Guide again if sheep show signs[1] that suggest a worm infection, if sheep are to be mustered or if seasonal and grazing conditions change.

This mob has a worm egg count result

Drench with a short-acting drench[1] if the mob's WormTest result is equal to or above the threshold figures in the table below for the class of sheep and the type of WormTest result.

Threshold worm egg counts at and above which sheep should be drenched in the Pastoral region

Class of sheepNo culture or culture has less than 60% barber's pole
(i.e. mostly scour worms)
Culture has more than 60% barber's pole
Ewes (dry to mid-pregnancy) or wethers400 epg800 epg
Ewes pre-lambing300 epg300 epg
Sheep under 18 months or rams300 epg500 epg

This recommendation should be read with the information provided below.

1Guidelines for worm control treatments to slow drench resistance

When giving all treatments

Follow the product labels. Dose to the heaviest sheep in the mob or groups. Calibrate equipment to ensure the right dose is delivered with the right procedures. Do not mix drenches unless the label states they are compatible. Check withholding periods and export slaughter intervals.

Choosing treatment options on your property

Use these 4 principles together, where possible:

  1. Use drenches most effective on your property; ideally those shown to reduce worm egg count by at least 98%. If drench effectiveness is unknown, conduct a DrenchCheck-Day10 after drenching.
  2. Use a combination of 2 or more drench groups.
  3. Rotate drench groups each time a mob is drenched and for each paddock.
  4. Use short-acting treatments.

For more details read the drench resistance section in the Pastoral WormBoss Worm Control Program.

Long-acting treatments

These are rarely necessary in the Pastoral region. You should seek expert advice before using them; more details can be found in the Pastoral WormBoss Worm Control Program.

2Signs of worms

Scour worms (black scour worm [Trichostrongylus species]; brown stomach worm [Teladorsagia circumcincta]; and others [incl. Nematodirus]): dark scours; weight loss; death.

Barber's pole worm: anaemia (pale inside eyelids and gums); 'bottle jaw' (swelling under the jaw); lethargy, lagging or collapse when mustered; death.

NOTE: Other diseases can cause similar signs. Consult your vet if WormTests do not indicate worms.

3Threshold worm egg counts at and above which sheep should be drenched in the Pastoral region

Class of sheepNo culture or culture has less than 60% barber's pole
(i.e. mostly scour worms)
Culture has more than 60% barber's pole
Ewes (dry to mid-pregnancy) or wethers400 epg800 epg
Ewes pre-lambing300 epg300 epg
Sheep under 18 months or rams300 epg500 epg