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Advertising on the Boss sites

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Advertising on the Boss sites

The development of WormBoss, and FlyBoss was funded by the Sheep CRC, and LiceBoss was funded by AWI. From March 2014, the sites have been taken into an initial 3-year post-development phase (under the umbrella of Paraboss) where it is planned that they will continue to provide useful information indefinitely. Of course, this doesn’t happen for free.

AWI and MLA have provided initial full funding for year 1, but this declines in years 2 and 3. The Paraboss project needs to attract industry/external funding to continue.

ParaBoss has a number of strategies to attract funding and one of those is by selling advertising space on the web sites.

A major strength of the Boss information is its independence and technical excellence. Be assured that this will continue no matter which companies advertise on the Boss sites.