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July 2013

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July 2013

 When you think about it, misuse of valuable pharmaceutical products such as drenches is not a whole lot different from illegal importation of plant and animal material – it can compromise an entire industry.

Please, be certain that firstly, you need to use a drench (ie, a Worm Egg Count indicates it), and then make sure that you are following the best professional advice available to ensure that the drench is effective and appropriate for the job.

And, while you are at it, use all the non-chemical tools you can – smart grazing, genetics and cross grazing.

On another matter entirely......

A few of our southern contributors, particularly a certain trout killer over Bass Strait, believed that the Cane Toads would get run over by the Cockroaches this year (for international readers there is a “State of Origin” rugby league football contest over 3 games each year between the Queensland Cane Toads and the New South Wales Cockroaches).

Needless to say – Queensland won again – for the 8th consecutive time!!  9 coming up!!